Monday, April 15, 2013

Rosy Red and Loving It!

Happy Monday!

I didn't work on very much this past week, I was waiting for the weekend, but ended up with a tooth pulled on Thursday and totally didn't feel like doing anything at all.  Ok, I couldn't stand it and even though my mouth thumped when I bent over, I still had to start on, what I wanted to be, my next project.

That being said, you know how when you see something in your mind and you head in that direction on a project and then things don't quite work out, but then something happens and we make it work and maybe it comes out even better?  I know, I sound like I'm trying to convince myself, but I totally believe this, this time.

It's another thing I want to keep for myself.  But I don't have the space.  :(

Ok, here it goes, my round about, novice explanation and how I found the sunny side...

It started with a gold framed orchid print that I found by the side of the road down the street on one of our walks.  Hello, FREE.  Chief couldn't believe that I carried it all the way home and I kept moving it around in the house so he wouldn't toss it when I wasn't looking.  I TOLD him I could do something with it.  It was nice like it was - in brand new condition.  I forgot to take a picture but it looked kinda like this...

Just a little longer and taller.  But the frame was cool and I was thinking chalkboard.  Keep seeing them and thought red frame with black distressed stain and chalkboard.  I can still see it in my head.  Well, I finally felt good enough to go outside on Saturday and this is where it started...

Then, this is where everything changed.  I primed the plastic (it wasn't glass, go figure) with Kilz but it kept getting things caught in it from trees and bugs - don't start with me, we are at war with why I can't use the garage right now.  Anyway, It wouldn't sand out enough and I was so frustrated.  I just walked away.  I actually went and got in bed with the puppies and pouted.  Stated my mouth hurt and I wasn't happy.  I know, such a baby.  The Chief offered to take me to an antique store if I would get out of bed, of course I went.  Didn't buy anything but a margarita, but I came home with a fresh eye or blood shot eye, hard to tell.  :)

Then,  I couldn't stand it and I flipped the plastic over to just do the other side the same and noticed how good the white looked through the plastic.  So, I put it in the frame and now its become a dry erase board instead.  Which, now that I acknowledge chalk would have gotten everywhere, this is SO much better and I think it was so clever of me, hee hee.

Also, I loved, loved, loved how crisp and red the color turned out, so I decided not to burnish it with a black stain.  I am really happy in the end.

This is going to my grandson Adam for his room.  I think he will love it!!

So, it's Monday and my mouth hurts less, my project came out awesome and I am ready for a new week.  The big question now is.... What do I do next?  

Bye for now, I soo have to go search Pinterest.   Have a great week!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mirror Mirror on the wall.... Marvelous!

My weekend update, yay!!!

I had a great weekend!!!

Ok, well Like I mentioned last week, I wanted to try a cap for my dear friend.  I made the reversible beanie from Crafty Gemini, Crafty Gemini Fleece Beanie Tutorial.  It is so cute and I did a great job, if I do say so myself.  Now, its Texas and its going to be hot, so obviously fleece isn't going to work, but "in my sewing novice wisdom" I'm going to try and adapt it to a stretch knit, if that's possible.  Guess we shall see and its a little big, so I'm going to try and cut it down a tad too.  Like I said, we shall see.

What do you think?  I love that it's reversible and I am soo making me some next winter.  Soo cuddly soft!

Oh and have to have Tucker's (#3 Grandson) debut - who is absolutely adorable, right?  His Maw sure does love him!

Ok, and a drum roll please....

Side bar:  I always have this fear of trying something, especially when the Chief is involved and I end up failing at it.  He will critique and I always want him to LOVE it.  So usually I don't bother.  Well I have come across so many things on Pinterest lately, I can't help myself and jumped right in...

Here we go...

Second side bar:  It was windy and I mean like gusts of 12 mph - most paint went on or around the fence and tree, so keep that in mind when looking at the pictures.  :)

Second side bar - part two:  This item belonged to Mom and I remember seeing this on the wall when I was 3 (there is a picture of it even then to remind me).  I wanted to keep the mirror, but needed to update it to fit the new space.  It will always remind me of her, but I know I did this all by myself, it looks fantastic and she would be proud.  Heck, I'm proud.  I tried it and I did IT!!!


How it started:

Getting ready to shake the heck out of the Kilz can:

Wind blowing, primer flowing.  Getting there.

Next, Krylon Gloss White.  Here's hoping.

More Wind blowing and paint flowing.  How did the wind know to blow EVERY TIME I sprayed the can, grrr.  Finally - it has to be enough...

Chief working in yard, wanted help.  I said no way bud, I'm busy CREATING.

Thought I was done, put it all together and then...  Brown overspray on glass from when Mom previously changed the stain.  Yes, all back apart - razor blades ready - scrape, scrape, scrape, yikies I hate that sound, makes my teeth hurt.  Finally its all off, yay - all back together...  and then...  this is where the drum roll comes in...

I am absolutely IN LOVE with this.  I am going to paint the upstairs room a baby blue with an old iron bed and put one of Mom's old quilts on it.  I can see it already.

Well, I am soo happy with my project, I could just spit.  Chief says no one will see the little bubbles - told you - CRITIQUE - but he loves me and he finally snapped that it was good and he should SAY SO.

So the moral of the story is:

Mirror mirror on the wall
Julie's not afraid at all
She has talent
So do we all!!!!!

Have a wonderful Monday.  Go do something and have no doubt.  We are all awesome!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bow Pillow, Burp Rags and Beanies - Its a B day!!!

Well I feel like I've FINALLY accomplished something.  I stayed up until 2 a.m. - yep another late one, but I made a beautiful bow pillow in one night.  It came out so cute, I love it.  What do you think?

Of course, after the fact, I would change a few little things, but overall I am very happy with this one.  I combined a couple of different blog instructions and this worked the best and quickest for me.  Its very elegant. It was for someone else, I HAVE to start making cute stuff for me.   

I also made a couple of quicky burp rags for a friend that is due in a few months.  Thinking ahead, that's new for me :)  I loved the little birds on the flannel and then did a soft yellow on the back.
I don't know about you, but I seem to have trouble corresponding colors because I get so excited with so many choices of fabric, but I'm determined to at least carry one theme for these baby sewing gifts and I think birds will be it this time.  I love all things bird.  We had a redbird on a feeder this weekend and I was so excited.  The Chief likes to point out that the pretty one is the male, blah blah blah...  I love em all anyway, hee hee.

I have two baby blankets to make and I'm determined to sew one by this weekend.  I'm thinking of putting post it notes with project goals in front of my machine to help motivate me.  

I have a friend, a dear, dear friend who is sick and doing Chemo - they gave her these turbans to wear which are fine, but I think we can do better.  I found a site - Crafty Gemini, again - I love her - and she made fleece beanies.    I want to try a couple and then maybe I can adapt them to a different fabric - at least then my friend would have choices.  It's all cut out, just waiting for me to take the leap and attempt to sew it.  I will post pics when I figure it all out.

That's about it for me.  Guess I should go have a couple cups of coffee, so I can make it through the work day.  

Have a blessed week.  And go sew!!!!