Monday, April 25, 2011

It’s a new day!

Well Easter was an overall success, I think.  I hope yours was as well!  I got to see my handsome grandsons – and the rest of the family too.  That went amazingly well, surprisingly (sometimes getting all the family together is tricky to say the least and not always joyful.  It happens).  Had to share - bear with me :)

This is my mom and her great grandson, my little man, 4 generations wrapped up in that photo.  Aren't they sweet? 

We had an almost 3 hour drive (one way) to Austin Friday and immediate return to pick up a table and chairs.  6 Hours, almost straight – yikes.  But we got the most beautiful table and chairs.  The Chief finished staining the floor in the dining room and we painted the walls and this is where we are now…..Not bad at all, I say!

On the long drive to Austin (and I’m not going to be tacky, okay yes I am, and mention I was mad at the Chief at the time, it turned out that working on making that tutu was excellent therapy and was a good chore to do quietly.  He did tell everyone that I was tying those knots into furious little tight ones, heehee), I made this no sew tutu for a friend’s daughter courtesy of the YouTube tutorial by Sarah at Camryn's Closet – here’s the link – Camryn's Closet YouTube No Sew Tutu Tutorial.  It was really simple.  I really couldn't mess this one up.  Go watch and you will see.

It came out so great.  Alicia spilled bubbles all down the front and I thought the Chief was going to have a cow, but she wore it and looked really hilariously cute in it, so it served its purpose!! 

She loves Dora, which DID NOT go with the theme, but hey - I can adapt - so I dressed up a Dora I cut out of fabric.  She loved it.
Oh, and for fun I took a really cute nest cake I made, the how-to of which I found somewhere online (sorry I don’t remember where exactly) but it was so easy and that’s malted milk ball candies on it for eggs.  They were perfect.  We left before we got any, but it looked so festive, who cares.  I was glad I made it.  I carried it in my lap for the hour and one-half drive up there, I was so determined.  They told me I was all Martha Stuartish and I just beamed!

I ended the no drinking fast for lent with a slight binge – so I have a queasy tummy and a thumping head and little whit (sorry) but am content with the weekend and wanted to share.  

Onward and upward people!  It’s a new day.

Oh, by the way, the Chief did threaten my life if I didn’t start making things for the house instead of for everyone else.  Does that happen to you?  The making for others, not the threats. J  Anyway, I guess I’m sewing curtains next.  Look out!  Straight seams are called for, right?  Yikies!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Fury and Finally Fulfillment! What is a Layer Cake Skirt?

I say this with sincere honesty, are you ready?  That layer cake skirt that everyone is talking about and making, raving about, was my own personal devil.  My nemises, my nightmare.  I finished this little monster at the rise of what looked like a full moon outside last night, and man is that appropriate or what?  I felt like howling when I finally finished it, I can tell you that....Long long long story short...

First - here is the link I used from Prudent Baby .
Note her skirt is adorable - her photos are so helpful and clear - her tutotial is great - simple - no problem, except if you are me.... quick recap.

I never gathered a skirt before - nice NOT to break bobbin string - too late
Lady at fabric store literally butchered the bottom of the fabric - didn't notice til start sewing - I know I don't know what I'm doing, but she's supposed to, right?  HELLO!!! Not wininng here...
I know I now have to sneak off for more fabric, because I'll be, excuse my french, damned if I'm going to let this skirt beat me...
Let out frustration - puppies ran and the Chief offered to go and buy one more piece for me - I put it on top - so now skirt has 4 layers not 3 - don't ask how that worked out.  Sew up side seam, easy right?  Ruffles didn't line up - rip out seam - more frustration - dogs won't come in house anymore - resew with pins - doesn't line up - I'm so quiet I'm scared too, I rip out seam again - hand sew first to keep lines straight - it worked - Glory, Halleleujah - then Chief says it looks like its from Walmart - at which time I burst into tears, he quickly backs up to attempt explanation that it looks good enough to be store bought - (that was quick thinking) I sniff and snuff my way into putting in the elastic waist.  I lean down, bang my head on table and smile.  I'm done.

 When I go to put it up I realize I have some extra fabric from second trip - I cut out a bird and fused it to a plain white shirt - and voila!  I did it. 

I gave up alcohol for lent...that about says it all.  Yep.

Happy sewing!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Consumed by Chaos

Sad but true, no crafty craftiness created last night, no simply scrumptious sewing served - instead - there was this....

and this

My husband and I decided to rip up all the carpet and just stain the cement for now - my beautiful babies Rocky and Angus - kind of make it necessary. 

I love them anyway.  Please note that even tho you can't see it, the "Chief" (as my husband shall hereby be known, easier than calling him the Boss, he thinks they both apply) put in a doggie door that they have complete and utter access to at all times, and only use when they feel like it.  I couldn't make a stair rise if it didn't already do it, hee hee.  I'm a grumpy door mat today, I'm afraid...

Anyway, I got home after my 12 hours away for work (this is me whining again) and walk into that....and it went on until around 11 pm, so then we were at BW3's (wing place) at 11:15 pm (who knew the city of Tomball stayed up that late?)  bath and bed by 12:15.  I think I should just accept my fate that Midnight seems to be my, as we say in Texas sometimes, thang.  Yawn, yawn, yawn...I'm too old for this crap and I didn't get to sew anything, couldn't even get to the table with the sewing machine.  Heck, I couldn't even find it at first.

Oh well, eventually I intend to get organized, get my home decorated up, and take a nap at some point in the near future.  I think I can, I think I can - I'm soo the little engine today.....

Last but not least, I pray that those guys in my house are GONE before I get home tonight, so I can put on some rollerskates and race around the downstairs, puppies chasing close behind!  Actually it probably needs to cure or whatever - I'm so not DIY but I am determined to learn - possibly to my detriment, no, probably to my detriment.  Me and power tools or stain - oh yeah - there's a good idea.  Before and afters would be hilarious or gruesome, hard to know yet.

Random thought, need frilly creation ides for walls to assert my feminine authority and drive the Chief nuts.  Any ideas?  Share please....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yawn, Midnight Night Again Last Night!!

Well it was another Midnight night last night.  I almost choose not to have company over anymore, since I can’t get right to the sewing with them just sitting there.  It makes me squirm, like “hurry up and eat, will you?” now “bye bye, here’s the door”.  I know, I sound obsessed and I am definitely motivated.  I like being able to make something out of something else.  I actually feel confident and proud that I finished another burp cloth without a problem.  Yay me. 

I also found this little craft project where you cover your mouse pad, which I did and it came out nicely, if I do say so myself.  I love the fabric.  We cannot go too unconventional at our desks at work, but I love knowing I can change the fabric anytime I like.  I made this one for my sweet co-worker, but the next one is for me!  So, I may be tired, and I am, but when I look  at my pretty new mouse pad, I smile.

Here’s the link for the mouse pad cover tutorial from – note that I used sewing pins to hold the fabric tight until it dried.  Worked great for me.  Yes, I could have snipped the corners and rounded them, but I like the little angles, that's just me.

Last but not least, I wanted to share with you a pillow I made for my grandson Hayden at Christmas.  Yes I know, ANOTHER PILLOW.  The fabric was already quilted and it was a booger to sew straight through the fuzz, especially since I can't sew very straight anyway, but it came out nice and I love the fabric.  So does he. 

Side note here, Joanne's has their pillow forms on sale right now and I walked right past them without reaching for a single one.  It's like rehab for me, but I can do it!!!!

Well, happy sewing and crafting.  I'm off to attempt onsies with a tie applique and diaper covers tonight.  No promises, eventually I have to sleep, right?  Yawn.

Have a terrific Tuesday! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Manic Monday or is it Worn from the Weekend?

It’s Monday. 

Today is my grandson Hayden’s 2nd birthday.  Go Hayden!!!  I love that angel.  He was supposed to go to Galveston with his mommy for the day, but cloudy outlook is ominous, so he will love Chuck E Cheese instead, who doesn’t right?


And now, drum roll please, my creative journey continues…..

This weekend I bought things, planned things, cut things, stenciled something (can’t do that AT ALL) and I sewed together a burp cloth from a tutorial that I picked up at Homemade by Jill

I would like to mention that there were awesome instructions, pattern and photos on her site.  Loved it!

The first burp cloth – was a little trial and error for me and I’m not explaining how I made something so easy, difficult, but as it turns out, thank goodness, it was eventually incredibly easy.  I mean incredibly easy, and so cute. 

But, my lesson on the second one that I made is this …

When you purchase fabric with blocks – that means there are lines – straight things that you can compare, no wait, I mean, that THEY can compare to your seam across the middle.  When you do not cut straight or sew straight (hello, I thought no one would notice), it shows.  Until I am more careful, I’m sticking with prints that make me look crafty and clever.  See photo below. - The sewn line is straight its the fabric that was not cut right :(

I drove into work today, so I’m thinking that I may leave at lunch and go to the major fabric store that is here in downtown Houston.  It’s calling my name…I need more FABRIC, can’t have enough FABRIC – but where to hide it from my husband…heehee

and tonight – I am working on diaper covers for the baby gift.  That should truly be an adventure – I mean, hey, eventually I have to figure out straight lines, so in the meantime I’m going to try curves around legs and elastic for fun.  Isn’t that like learning to run before you walk?  I believe I’m a glutton for punishment…but its so much fun to try…………..

Onward and upward…..

Friday, April 8, 2011


TGIF world! Its me again.  I’m on day three, and it has definitely become an official “roll”, right? 

Ok – This week I made and /or actually completed a couple of projects.  I believe the blog world calls them UFOs?  (Unfinished objects, get it?)  That’s so cute.  The first is a lounge size pillow I made for my niece.  She picked the fabric and the pompoms.  It’s made with the envelope flap on the back so it can be washed (and yes, it is yet again, a PILLOW).  I'm sticking with what I know, but the lady at Joanne's swears I can move on to a skirt.  Anyone have a newbie skirt pattern that can't be screwed up?  If so, I'm interested.  :)

Also, I am happy to announce, that after one year of choosing and purchasing the fabric, I actually sat on the floor until midnight and ironed, pinned and sewed a seam / hem (this is my sewing “newbie” knowledge showing) for a valance / scarf thingee that hangs over my window in the powder room, and the seam is almost straight.   It looks really pretty good to me.  Whose laughing now, I know I wasn’t, I was seeing double by then.  What do you think?

Thanks everyone for the comments - still love to hear back with suggestions for future projects and maybe just stop by to say hello.  Feel free to follow - it will get better!

Just for fun - this is the view at The Oasis Restaurant overlooking Lake Travis in Austin, TX.  Isn't it beautiful?

Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Was it good luck or old age? Is 45 old?

What do you think happens, when Sex and the City 2 finally comes on HBO, but not until after 11:00 pm?  Well, if you are like me, and I was so enthralled and enamoured with the new show, that I sat diligently, staring ahead barely blinking....listening, smiling, excited and nervous....

I loved it all.  The clothes were luxurious and colorful, the people endearing and adorable.  I was in love all over again....But,

perhaps it was the desert sand or maybe the cool drinks they were drinking, the fountains, the pool?  Or, I guess, it could have just been the "obvious" of Samantha taking a yam faced bubble bath....

Whatever it was, after time had passed and I couldn't possibly look or walk away, even to go to the bathroom...

THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!

Springing up suddenly, I sprinted like the wind, short hair flying, sliding around corners - not noticing the puppies looking up shaking their heads at my usually unusual behaviour and then laying back down and hiding their little faces in embarrassment...

to THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally forgot.  Totally.  I had actually run my bath before I walked into the living room and the SHOW caught my attention.

I knew it had to be bad as I screeched to a stop at the doorway, closing my eyes before I looked in the room, thinking I would wade in, but as I stared in surprise and with dumb luck and more surprise, I guess that little drain hole actually works.  Wow.  The water filled to the tippy top.  (Note the lovely little drain hole cover I bought at Bed Bath & Beyond, so that it helps fill the tub even fuller).  Thank goodness they realize some people can't be trusted (me) and they put a hole in their drain hole cover.

I turned off the water.  I stood there a moment, adrenaline forcing the blood to pump in my ears with a roar.  Took a deep, calming breath.  Then, I turned and sprinted like the wind, short hair flying, sliding around corners - noticing, but ignoring the puppies looking up shaking their heads at my usually unusual behaviour, I jumped back in my chair (I admit it rocked a tad back and forth) and finished the movie.

By the way, it ended at midnight and I have to get up at 6 a.m. for work, but in the end, after the movie, I stepped in carefully, lay back slowly and smiled as the water rose back to the tippy top.  In the end, I got the movie and the bath. 

Isn't life wonderful?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My first masterpieces or pieces of matter, its a matter of opinion!

What I have learned thus far, I learned off the following YouTube videos. 
Yes, I have taught myself what I consider sewing basics off of YouTube.  I love the “Tube!”  Also and more importantly, thank you so much ladies who post there, because without you, Mom’s sewing machine would now be a doorstop for the back door. 

I have made pillows and pillows with piping and envelope pillows and envelope pillows with piping, and pillow cases, dresses out of pillow cases and remarkably something called a sausage pillowcase. 

  So, down with the nay sayers and the comedians who judge!  Sewing and crafting sister’s unite.  Let’s cruise!  Oh speaking of cruises… wait, that’s a discussion for another time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I made it!

Hi!  Ok – since this is my first blog entry – and since I’m kind of feeling my way through this – please be patient!  I promise it will get better.  I think to get started, maybe there are a few things you should know about me…

  1.  I took choir in 7th grade, not Home Ec.   Unfortunately, at this stage in the game, I can neither sing nor sew without making someone laugh, but I will never give up the attempt either.  Perseverance is my middle name!

  1.  I commute 3 hours a day between home and work (mostly on a park-n-ride bus), so thanks Hubby for the 3G IPad that I use to scan incessantly all things sewing and newly discovered blogs.  Just how many bookmarks will it hold, oh my.

  1. I am twice married, with two kids, two grandsons, two Italian greyhounds (my babies) and an old sewing machine that my mom gave me with an instruction booklet and her blessing. 

If you want to keep up with something that’s random and rambling but wonderfully weird and sometimes witty, come with me.  Let’s journey together….

And “sew” we begin – PUN INTENDED!