Thursday, April 7, 2011

Was it good luck or old age? Is 45 old?

What do you think happens, when Sex and the City 2 finally comes on HBO, but not until after 11:00 pm?  Well, if you are like me, and I was so enthralled and enamoured with the new show, that I sat diligently, staring ahead barely blinking....listening, smiling, excited and nervous....

I loved it all.  The clothes were luxurious and colorful, the people endearing and adorable.  I was in love all over again....But,

perhaps it was the desert sand or maybe the cool drinks they were drinking, the fountains, the pool?  Or, I guess, it could have just been the "obvious" of Samantha taking a yam faced bubble bath....

Whatever it was, after time had passed and I couldn't possibly look or walk away, even to go to the bathroom...

THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!

Springing up suddenly, I sprinted like the wind, short hair flying, sliding around corners - not noticing the puppies looking up shaking their heads at my usually unusual behaviour and then laying back down and hiding their little faces in embarrassment...

to THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally forgot.  Totally.  I had actually run my bath before I walked into the living room and the SHOW caught my attention.

I knew it had to be bad as I screeched to a stop at the doorway, closing my eyes before I looked in the room, thinking I would wade in, but as I stared in surprise and with dumb luck and more surprise, I guess that little drain hole actually works.  Wow.  The water filled to the tippy top.  (Note the lovely little drain hole cover I bought at Bed Bath & Beyond, so that it helps fill the tub even fuller).  Thank goodness they realize some people can't be trusted (me) and they put a hole in their drain hole cover.

I turned off the water.  I stood there a moment, adrenaline forcing the blood to pump in my ears with a roar.  Took a deep, calming breath.  Then, I turned and sprinted like the wind, short hair flying, sliding around corners - noticing, but ignoring the puppies looking up shaking their heads at my usually unusual behaviour, I jumped back in my chair (I admit it rocked a tad back and forth) and finished the movie.

By the way, it ended at midnight and I have to get up at 6 a.m. for work, but in the end, after the movie, I stepped in carefully, lay back slowly and smiled as the water rose back to the tippy top.  In the end, I got the movie and the bath. 

Isn't life wonderful?


  1. Life is good! Sometimes the best 'treats' are just narrowly-avoided disasters!

  2. Ha, ha! I have so done this to myself before! ;)
